

Rosa Chávez – General Manager / Gerente General

Rosa Chávez es una multifacética joven artista y docente Venezolana  graduada en el Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas.
Se ha especializado en artes gráficas y fotografía donde su investigación más allá de las formas convencionales analógicas de revelado e impresión ha causado gran entusiasmo en la comunidad. Ha desarrollado parte de su trabajo en Ecuador, Venezuela, Colombia y Estados Unidos.
Technical Drawing & English Teaching BEd (Hons), / Fine Arts MA, IPC Caracas
Rosa Chavez is a young Venezuelan multi-talented artist & educator graduated in Teaching and Fine Arts at Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas. She is specialised in graphic arts and photography where her research beyond usual analogue forms of developing and impression has caused great enthusiasm in the community. She has developed part of her work in Ecuador, Venezuela, Colombia and United States.

                                                   Rosa Chávez

Erika Ordosgoitti  Co-Funder & Director / Directora, Cofundadora

Artista de performance, audiovisual y poeta. Licenciada en Artes Plásticas del Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Artes Plásticas Armando Reverón (2010), actualmente realiza su tesis para obtener el título de Magister Scienciarum en Artes Plásticas en la Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Ha recibido diferentes premios y menciones entre los que destaca el Premio Artista Joven de la Fundación MISOL para las artes en Bogotá (2014). Vive y trabaja entre Caracas y Bogotá.
Fine Arts BA, IUESAPAR Caracas / On Going Doctorate in Fine Arts, UPEL Caracas
Erika Ordosgoitti (1980) lives and works between Caracas and Bogota. She has a degree in Fine Arts Mixed Media Mention from Armando Reveron Higher Education School of Fine Arts in Caracas. Currently she develops her thesis "The Ontological Status of Art" for the degree of Master of Arts Pedagogical University Experimental Libertador. She has been granted several awards including: Young Artist Award, MISOL Foundation for the Arts, Bogota (2014); First Honorable Mention, SuperCable Hall of Youth with FIA, Caracas (2011); Honorable mention, National Exhibition of Art 34 Aragua, Maracay (2009); University Award, First National Exhibition of Art University, Caracas (2009). Her work has been exhibited at Museum of Contemporary Art Caracas, Museum of Contemporary Art of Bogota, and in many private galleries. She is co-producer and co-curator of the International Biennial of Performance Art of Caracas, CEO of P3 Platform Performance and director of The Nest Artist Residency in Venezuela.
Erika Ordosgoitti


George More – Co-Founder & Advisor Chief / Comité Asesor, Cofundador

George More es un artista audiovisual y curador que vive entre Europa y América. Se le conoce especialmente por composiciones musicales de corte experimental e imágenes "glitch", instalaciones y performances que exploran el significado simbólico y efímero de la condición del ser humano en su representación visual de nueva era. Su trabajo y proyectos enfatizan el papel que el arte contemporáneo tiene en el desarrollo económico actual como herramienta de cambio social.
Social & Cultural Anthropology BA UNED / Music Producing & Technology MA Berlin Freie Universittät
George More is an audio-visual artist and curator who commutes between Europe and America. He is especially known for his experimental compositions and glitch images, installations and performances exploring the symbolic and ephemeral meaning of human beings’ condition in modern imagery. More’s work and projects emphasize the role of contemporary art in economic development and as a tool for social change.  
George More

******** – Assistant Coordinator / Coordinadora, Asistente